Birthday? July 3rd
Favorite Color? idk
Favorite Food? Chinese / Desserts / Cheesecake
Favorite Book? Lord of the Rings
Favorite Quote? "Go Hawks" - Russel Wilson
Favorite sport/team? SEAHAWKS! [Spencer's a Seattle-area native. And proud of it.]
Favorite Wall Quotes™ decal? Anything having to do with coffee (find them here)
Why? I like coffee.
How long have you been with the team? Two+ years.
What are you in charge of at Belvedere Designs? Making sure the job gets done / being awesome.
What's your favorite thing about working here? I like creating custom Seahawks stickers to put in my home (unfortunately, this is also my wife's least favorite thing about me working here).
What do you do when you're not making crazy awesome Wall Quotes™ decals at Belvedere Designs? Wish I was playing video games instead of getting an education at UNLV. [A BA in Marketing.]
Any last words? Do me a solid and comment on our Facebook page if you think the company owners should buy a Keurig coffee machine for the office so we can make more Wall Quotes™ decals faster. Also, I win every office argument 'cause I'm good-lookin'.
Spencer's a production team allstar. He does all of the things and is always such a good sport. Sure, there may be a few too many groan-inducing "short" jokes in his repertoire, but we're sure glad to have him on the team.
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