We want to share a little summertime goodness with you and since we found we had a little extra inventory after a recent big event, we're gonna share the love and give away one of each of these six fabulous (if we do say so ourselves) wall quote designs.

Brother - 18" tall x 30" wide - Sapphire
Dream - 12" tall x 36" wide - Teal & Black
Our Family - 22.5" tall x 28" wide - Copper & Black
Home 12" tall x 57" wide - Dark Red & Black
Turtles - 12" tall x 39" wide - Teal
Nursery - 18" tall x 32" wide - White
Dream - 12" tall x 36" wide - Teal & Black

Home 12" tall x 57" wide - Dark Red & Black

Nursery - 18" tall x 32" wide - White
Want one? Share with us your favorite thing about summer in a comment below. We'll select four winners (totally at random - maybe even with a water balloon toss) on Saturday the 16th.
And in the meantime - soak up that sun, sip that drink and stay cool. Cheers!
My favorite things about summer are: Watermellon Seed Spitting is never a "bad!" and always ends with laughter, you can't beat a family cook-out with hotdogs over a firepit and the night spent catching Lightening Bugs, Strawberries are best eaten right from the vine (same goes for Tomatoes!), the best fun is had with a hose and a lawn sprinkler if there isn't a pool near by, Strawberry Whip-Cream Pies are never in short supply, and books can be read while lounging in a hammock under on old maple tree (or in the old maple tree if you are feeling adventerous!). These are the things I love most about Summer.
ReplyDeletemy favorite thing about summer is camping, camp fires, long sunday drives, picnics and swimming..
My favorite thing about summer is a relaxed schedule! No alarm, no school work, no worries! Love sitting outside early in the morning taking in the sunrise and not having to rush! Ahhhhh!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about summer is the long warm days which means lots of time to spend outside!!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about summer is all of the things I'd love to do and have never been graced before this summer to get to do...with great excitement, I look forward to my favorite things this summer and having this post to look back on to fill in the blanks when it is complete and we are moving into the next blessed Autumn season! : )
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about summer is the warm nights as the sun sets! Good luck everyone! Brandiebailey@hotmail.com
ReplyDeleteWe love all the fresh summer produce!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite thing about summer is when it ENDS! Not to be a bummer, but I live in Phoenix where the temperatures make playing outside and having fun nearly impossible, unless you're submerged in a swimming pool :)
ReplyDeleteLong evenings spent outside having a get together with friends... kids playing in teh yard... freezies!! farm fresh fruit... after teh looong Canadian winter we love everything about summer.
ReplyDeleteI love the more relaxed pace of summer. Although not a fan of hot weather - my boyfriend just purchased a new boat so weekends out on the ocean have a way of beating the heat ! Beach and ocean are my greatest loves so my home is decorated in somewhat "summer style" year round!